HHS supports permanent telehealth provisions after the pandemic


Photo by Cory Checketts on Unsplash

In March 2020, CMS lifted restrictions that allowed patients and providers better access to telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Xavier Becerra, HHS Secretary said he supports the expansion of telehealth after the pandemic ends. This would include:

1. to make permanent the expansions of telehealth.

2. to not allow the worsening inequities in healthcare by using telehealth to decrease the disparities.

3. to increase people’s awareness of the capabilities of visual and audio telehealth, it’s important that they take advantage of these new options.

Read the rest of the report here.



Alvin Tanicala
Analog Life Virtualization

Registered HIT man. Follower. Learner. Analog Life Virtualization.